Enumitem latex. After <num> entries, a paragraph break par is inserted. Enumitem latex

 After <num> entries, a paragraph break par is insertedEnumitem latex The numbering style for the enumeration is determined by the commands, labelenumi, labelenumii, etc

The enumitem package provides just the kind of commands that can help. TeXnicCenter is just the editor, and doesn't really have. With ewlist you can define you own list and via setlist set the settings. beamer already loads the geometry package for you. A solution that doesn't require loading any packages: Issue the instruction. Using \item [Xxx] will get you the first level list. So despite latex's protestations, it does seem to be setting the counter right in the first enumerate (though in fact it should be (b), since I haven't decremented the counter by one; and it also prints out extra. 2. Add a comment. itemindent: extra indentation added right BEFORE an item label. Presumably you expected the label to start left aligned at the indentation but that's not how list labels are usually set. Note: I remove [label=(alph*)] and [resume*], this all works perfectly. ) e3bd7da. The surrounding formatting, e. parsep controls the amount of space between paragraphs, itemsep that between items: see other page on this site. 1. It only takes a minute to sign up. 2. tex to get the documentation. I cleaned and simplified your code, removed any package loading which has nothing to do with your problem. I've tried using subitem, and nesting enumerate, but it won't look right. 1 Answer. The enumitem package can emulate the functionality of enumerate too if you load it with shortlabels option. Here are 3 possibilities: documentclass[paper=a4, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} % A4 paper and 11pt font size usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} oindent Some text Some text Some text Some text Some text Some text Some text Some text Some text Some text egin{enumerate}. Otherwise, it works fine. I want to keep the default format of all lists. documentclass{book} usepackage{listings} usepackage{enumitem} % This begins the document: egin{document} % This line effectively turns off "Underfull vbox" and. Actually, the layout is more complex because the label box (ie, labelwidth) could stick into the margin, which means labelindent takes a negative value. enumitem has other parameters that control inline lists. The enumitem package is the recommended method for modifying standard LaTeX lists or creating your own custom list formats. documentclass {article} usepackage {lipsum} % for dummy text usepackage {enumitem} setlist {nosep} % or setlist {noitemsep} to leave space around whole list egin {document} lipsum [1] egin {enumerate} item foo item bar end {enumerate} lipsum [2] end. 1 Answer. You need to use the shortlabels option to have compatibility with the enumerate -like scheme for labels: documentclass [] {article} usepackage. You can do this in several ways: for example, by using an empty optional argument for item (as Jake suggested), or by using the enumitem package to use an empty label, or by redefining labelitemi; these approaches are illustrated in the following example: documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} egin. Sign up to join this community. This package provides user control over the layout of the three basic list environments: enumerate, itemize and description. All enumitem label possibilities such as Alph*, arabic* use the star to indicate, that the command Alph{enum. parsep controls the amount of space between paragraphs, itemsep that between items: see other page on this site. setlist [enumerate] {resume} you can get a continuous numbering through a document. Modified 8 years, 1 month ago. 目次. Sorry @KevinM but it would be best if you draw a clear picture of what you really want to achieve. 2cm}\item First Line \vspace {-0. Indenting in a description environment margin problem. The package I am using is enumitem. The package’s prime purpose is to. the text just states a math problem, which I have to rewrite in my homework. Herbert is right on with @minipagetrue removing the space at the top, but the cleanest way I've found to remove the space at both the bottom and the top is with an actual minipage environment. for the first level of itemize (this is the same label than the level Nº 2 in enumerate). Para crear listas y enumeraciones en LaTeX tenemos los comandos itemize y enumerate. documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[label={(}arabic*{)},. This requires to know how to work with the LaTeX list environment. 0. 1 Answer. Unfortunately, it conflicts with beamer. if I update the enumerate label, I also have to update this reference, together with hyperref, this doesn't look so nice. MWE: documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} usepackage{lipsum} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}. If you want the scope to apply to just one particular enumerate environment, encase the enewcommand. enewcommand { heenumi} {alph {enumi}} Regarding the scope of this redefinition: If you want the scope to be global, provide the instruction in the preamble. One possible way to accomplish it is. You can use leftmargin=* locally, \begin {itemize} [leftmargin=*] \item one \item two \item three \end {itemize} or else you use. I have experimented with the use of [resume*], which. , ) can be arbitrary, you can escape the special characters. Stopping hang into left margin with enumitem. You do not need to set addtolength {leftmargini} {3em} in the preamble it is a local declaration so can be set at any point before the special list. item extbf {gen} item extbf {assets} item extbf {bin} end {itemize} Furthermore, another option which gives you a new environment for bold prefixes ( bolditemize ), while keeping the bulleted. Enumitem 3. 3 Answers. enumitem can be used together or as enumerate using the shortlabels option. There are a number of ways. Use label* instead of label on the 2nd enumerate. arabic*} Otherwise, simply load enumitem and use this code in the body of your document:Using enumitem, the start=. For instance, see the code below, which is slightly different version of yours documentclass{article} usepackage[inline]{enumitem} egin{document} I like. 1 Answer. Here labelindent is a new parameter introduced by enumitem, described below. 1 Answer. | % +-----+ % % Copyright (c) 2003-2011 by Javier Bezos. 5mm} In this case, enumerate d lists will not also be effected. It needs to be before egin {enumerate} not after as the. I have a package which creates some lists using enumitem. You can use the enumitem package. Note that this is a bit hackish, but it works. Since you're already using the enumitem package you can set the parsep and itemsep parameters. There's the font=. The tightlist macro sets the list itemsep and parsep to 0pt which is why your changes using enumitem are being overridden. The parameter passed to the widthof{} should be the widest element in the description list and also note that since the label is set in bold font, we need to ensure that the measurements are done with fseries applied:. If you must use enumerate, you can start the optional argument of the enumerated list with an hspace to push the whole list farther to the right: documentclass[leqno]{article} usepackage{amsmath,enumerate} egin{document} Some text before the list. Most popular option to solve this problem is leftmargin. – JPi. jfbu added a commit that referenced this issue on Jun 10, 2016. 番号付き箇条書き. In the first try, the case didn't increase from. Here is a method that wraps each matrix in a minipage and the resume feature of the enumitem package: If you wish to align the labels with the top,. This works with me. This gives LaTeX’s default for the format at each nesting level, where 1 is the top level, the outermost level. alainremillard wrote: There is an easier way. enumitem tries to guess the width of the widest possible label by measuring the width of the label with value. To apply the desired setting to a particular description, you may use [style=nextline] appended to \begin {description} \usepackage {enumitem} \begin {description} [style=nextline] \item [foo] bar \item [baz] bang \end {description} This will apply your style only to that particular description. I've also changed the ref using. The enumitem package is a good one to load for all kinds of customisation of list environments: documentclass{article} usepackage[showframe]{geometry} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[leftmargin=3cm] item sometext item sometext item sometext end{enumerate}. You can use \setlist[enumerate]{itemsep=0mm} to change enumerate globally, and something like \begin{enumerate}[itemsep=5mm] to change locally. However, this doesn't result as expected (see MWE. Itemize Cross-referencing items in unordered lists (bullet items) is not supported and. e. stefanbschneider. 9. 2. If you increase the widest you increase the space between the "anchor point" of the label (try changing it to e. You can use a global option or limit the scope to the environment you want to use: documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} setlist [itemize] {noitemsep} egin {document} egin {itemize} item One item Two item Three end {itemize} end {document} Share. The idea is this allows you to use ef and cref independently -- their outputs will differ only in whether or not a label ("Thm. This is easiest to do with the enumitem package. setlist {nosep,topsep=-parskip} to offset that space globally. This will make ightlist do nothing, and the settings you set with enumitem will be respected. 1 Answer. Complementing the answer provided by Stefan, we can use the enumitem to create a compact list using the setlist{nolistsep} or parametrizing each component of setlist, as following: setlist{ topsep=0pt, partopsep=0pt, itemsep=0pt, parsep=0pt } Where topsep and partopsep are the vertical space between the list and the paragraphs, itemsep is the. enumitem-zref Extendedreferencestoitemsforenumitempackage 1. Use the enumitem package to format lists: documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} egin {enumerate} [label= {alph*)}] item The first item item The second item end {enumerate} end {document} To make all enumerate lists look like this (so you don't have to add the label. There is no need for originall@bel, but an. beamer offers some predefined symbols ( triangle, square, ball and circle) but you can of course also use a different symbol of your own choice. See the enumitem documentation. I suggest defining your own environment also for the outer list. Unlike itemsep, which is the distance between two adjacent entries, parsep is the distance between an entry and a following paragraph. You should create a ewlist instead and there is no more need to put the inline option unless you want to use the predefined lists. 2. Hi everyone, I am trying to use the enumitem package in LaTeX but it is causing a serious problem - if I import it, it seems to break the compilation and it just. When I use a oversize tcolorbox as the description label, the default labelsep is not big enough, as a result the label and the text may stick together when the label is. \item [ (2')] manually different label\label {itm:2b}. If you use an itemize environment along with the enumitem package, you can add the statements. Step 2 : second step. One of the environments could look like: \begin {enumerate} \item \label {one} \item \end {enumerate} referring back to \cref {one} Now if I reference this item later, it will say: referring back to item 1. In the code below, assume that the custom list test is defined in the package, i. El entorno itemize crea items indicados con un símbolo distintivo mientras que el entorno enumerate crea listas. I recommend to use the enumitem package which offers a lot of features for customizing lists - both fine tuning and also consistent list adjustment. documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} egin {enumerate} [label= extbf {arabic*}. The enumitem package is the key for easy customization of itemize/enumerate lists. I was to align the entire list element about 0. Sorted by: 13. 2. The strong point of paralist is the. Share. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. item [foo]label {foo} will not place a correct label, neither for the reference itself nor the linking if hyperref is used, since no counter is involved with the item [] version of item. The starred form \setlist* adds the settings to previous ones. and. As defined, the two environments share labels, settings, etc. A better approach is to "fix" the labeling once and forall so that the referencing works as expected when the enumerate environment is used in the "normal" way: egin{enumerate} item. El funcionamiento de estos dos comandos es muy simple. setlist [enumerate] {nosep} if you also want no additional spacing w. egin{itemize} item This is an item; and% item this is another one. Of course this warning isn't helpful if you don't know what it means. I present three examples: documentclass [12pt] {article} usepackage {enumitem} usepackage {showframe} %. So maybe you start from scratch with a simple drawing to. . 6. Okay. Controlling itemsep at bottom of page with enumitem. Add a options for the font used in the labels and the font used for the list of a whole which, in effect, means the item bodies since the font for the labels overrides the list-wide settings. This is how it looks for me: This is the code to reproduce: \documentclass [letterpaper, 12pt] {article} \usepackage [utf8] {inputenc} \usepackage [margin=1. com EXAMPLE Consider: \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*(a), leftmargin=1cm, series=l_after] \item A \item B \end{enumerate} You get: 1(a) 2(a). The above MWE provides itemize* that takes a single optional argument (<num>), setting a "list" inline (like enumitem 's [inline] option). It seems to be a general theme from Does enumitem conflict with beamer for lists that you need to use \setlist to get beamer and enumitem to play well together. Add a comment. In a few of these sections, we have enumerate d environments. Add a comment. Share. It only takes a minute to sign up. Lists can be nested and will be aligned and enumerated properly. See full list on overleaf. Edit: Note that item will indent anything that is after it. answered Mar 18, 2020 at 9:37. , the end user of the package doesn't. The label options of the enumerate environment can be set inside the theorem environment right at its start with AtBeginEnvironment from etoolbox and setlist [enumerate]. Here labelindent is a new parameter introduced by enumitem, described below. 1 Answer. 1. Use default overlays of lists locally (parameter [<+->]) I use enumitem for 1. beamer already loads the xcolor package, not necessary to load it again. Similarly, there is the rightmargin option, which is used when page’s alignment is right. 调整间距的参数命令包括两类。. It can say a lot about what the problem is. The rest are those in standard LATEX. @[email protected] enumitem package is the recommended method for modifying standard LaTeX lists or creating your own custom list formats. For. enumitem offers ready-made options for eliminating the space between items and paragraphs within the list (noitemsep) or all vertical spacing (nosep): documentclass[11pt]{article} usepackage{enumitem, kantlipsum} egin{document} paragraph{List without vertical spacing between items and paragraphs:} kant[2]. \begin {itemize} \vspace {-0. 标签样式. 1 Answer. Now in standard LaTeX leftmargin is meant to be positive. If you are using the enumitem package you can use setlist[enumerate,<n>]{label={DAS. 25in]{geometry} usepackage[inline]{enumitem} ewlist{choices. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. In a few of these sections, we have enumerate d environments. Latest changes 3. enumerate labels are right aligned. I use the enumitem package to create lists of questions with space automatically left for answers. , for the nested levels. enumitem packages have many options for completing the same task. After what you just have to put the depth level you want: usepackage{enumitem}. The package enumitem provides a simple way to define you own list environments. TeXnicCenter is just the editor, and doesn't really have. 2 Answers. 6, it offers a key called left, with which one can set two tabstops one for the start of label and another for the start of the text. A possible solution is define an explicit @currentlabel, then apply label, thereby faking the usage of some counter. By reading opsep, itemsep, partopsep and parsep - what does each of them mean (and what about the bottom)?, I learned how spacing works, therefore I am trying to do some spacing settings/adjus. 2 of enumitem used a different way to setup the standard lists; for your needs it should be. This can be used for doing the necessary arithmetic with the help of getrefnumber. The package adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which determines the style in which the counter is printed. (For example, it’s a bit tricky to obtain enumerations with _bold_ letters: (a), (b) etc with the enumerate package – try it! With enumitem, it’s much easier. You can change this with the align key: \documentclass [] {article}% \usepackage [shortlabels] {enumitem} \begin {document} Here's my first list, which has the label ``Note'', but the indentation is too far to the left: \begin {itemize. 8 2019-02-04 - Fix - calc stopped working if loaded after. Solo tenemos que crear el entorno e indicar cada elemento de una lista con el comando \item. For example, to use upper case letters for the first level and lower case letters for the second level of enumeration: enewcommand {labelenumi} {Alph {enumi. errors too). The package adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which determines the style in which the counter is printed. Jul 31, 2019 at 14:51. You can't load it a second time with conflicting options. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. Improve this answer. Suppress left indentation in itemize environment. sty that LaTeX uses is older then version 3. Edit: Here is what I have tried,The problem you're having has nothing do do with enumitem and everything to with the fact that you're trying to fit a large label into a small space, so the label appears to change the indent but in reality it is simply expanding to the right. LaTeX forum ⇒ Text Formatting ⇒ Enumitem. enumerate is incompatible with enumitem as they both provide an optional argument to control the lable, but enumerate does not use a key-value list but uses a "template" where i denotes roman numbers,. I want an environment with a counter that resumes. you are missing the frame environment. By default, lists contain quite a lot of vertical space. )Whenever you're customizing a list, the enumitem is your best friend. enumitem provides a wealth of features so we can’t cover all of them but we can provide a few basic examples to help get you get started. Optional arguments about the label of enumeration is offered by enumitem package. if the item should start with 3, use start=3, not start=2, i. When you create a new list using enumitem, it creates a set of counters for that list depending on the number of levels you choose. You can simplify the code in the OP by using tools from the enumitem package to create a customised enumerate environment. Please note that enumitem takes care of the correct value, i. This used in combination with labelsep gives you a result that I think is what you want: Where labelsep is the distance from the counter mark. The correct key is the first key: documentclass {book} usepackage {enumitem} usepackage {color} setlist [enumerate,1] { before= {sffamilyitshapecolor {blue}footnotesize} } egin {document} Emphasises that. The {enumerate} environment will do the rest for you. Just to complete the answer of Jukka with a copy/pastable example: documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate} item Hello item I am end{enumerate} egin{enumerate}[resume] item a list item that continues end{enumerate} egin{enumerate}[start=42] item and go item beyond your hopes. An example from TeXblog documentclass{article}. enumitem redefines beamer list features. enumerate – Enumerate with redefinable labels. 1 Answer. I agree that case of long lists general solution like enumitem are better. Here is a paragraph. You need to postpone setcounter{beginitems}{arabic{enumi}} to after the enumerate environment was initiated, so essentially after egin{enumerate} or egin{enumerate}[resume] respectively. Any customization of a list environment, such as itemize, enumerate, etc, is most elegantly handled by the enumitem package. @egreg Thanks!and. \documentclass {article} \usepackage {enumitem} \setlist [enumerate,1] {% label=\arabic*. documentclass [11pt, letter] {article} usepackage [utf8] {inputenc} usepackage [T1] {fontenc} usepackage {enumitem. 9 2019-06-20 - \DrawEnumitemLabel rewritten 3. 51. Here's how to do (something like) what it is I think you want: \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist{nolistsep} or \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist{nosep} enumerate is quite old and you should probably use enumitem but you can use enumerate but you are misusing it \begin {enumerate} [ (b)] should be \begin {enumerate} [ (a)]\setcounter {enumii} {2} Only a is a special value to set the counter format you can not use b to set the start value. Note that you can define some custom commands like ewcommand {savecounteri} {setcounter {saveenumi} {value {enumi}}} and the corresponding estorecounteri to make these solutions prettier. You can use only enumitem to define your customized list as a paralist's compactenum variation using the nolistsep key: documentclass{article} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage{enumitem} ewlist{compactenum}{enumerate}{4} setlist[compactenum,1]{nolistsep} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[label=(alph*)]. As well as allowing all the customizations I could possibly need, enumitem has two very useful built-in options. Undefined control sequence. The labels aren't indented far enough when I do this. t. g. Improve this answer. ; Using usepackage[standard]{ntheorem}, the result is the same (qed in the next. The enumitem package is the recommended method for modifying standard LaTeX lists or creating your own custom list formats. If you want to auto fill the space, try setlist [itemize] {itemjoin=hspace* {fill},itemjoin*=hspace* {fill}} but this will not prevent the line break, if a line is full, it is full. Actually, the layout is more complex because the label box (ie, labelwidth) could stick into the margin, which means labelindent takes a negative value. Sorted by: 1. Horizontal space problems. I'm currently trying to customize a ennumerate list with enumitem and i got really far. enewcommand {@listI} { leftmargin=5mm labelsep=5mm itemindent=0mm listparindent=3mm} it will not work in standard LaTeX classes. It only takes a minute to sign up. Then, we define a command that will store the list items. 2 of enumitem used a different way to setup the standard lists; for your needs it should be. Loading the enumitem package removes the sign. to your code wherever you want the original enumerate. The enumitem package has an inline option which implements inline versions of the standard lists using starred versions of the basic list environments. enumitem: setting labelsep for description affect the list of other type inside it. end{enumerate} I tried this with enumitem but it didn't work. For an example, you may want to. } \renewcommand {\labelenumii} {\bf {\arabic. For a better view with the online compiler, I sometimes use documentclass [border=10pt] {standalone} instead of. Align enumerate and itemize environment left. The enumitem package also implements inline lists for all of the three list types. Since version 3. Follow edited Aug 5, 2019 at 20:47. 更新版:2017/04/15 (旧題:enumitem. 1 Answer. The idea is to set, at the end, a label that points to the last used number. 5 fontsize: 17pt # 10pt header-includes. When creating cross-references to items in roman. As Bernard mentioned, egin{enumerate}[(a)] is not a standard LaTeX environment. 51. egin {enumerate} item [0. Since you're already using the enumitem package you can set the parsep and itemsep parameters. For the second level list you can use \begin {enumerate} [label=\arabic*] and for subsequent lists where you want the numbering to continue you need to indicate that the numbering is to continue: \begin {enumerate} [label=\arabic*, resume*]. g. I have an item list that I would like to start on a new line, but without a full paragraph space before the first item. To apply the desired setting to a particular description, you may use [style=nextline] appended to egin {description} usepackage {enumitem} egin {description} [style=nextline] item [foo] bar item [baz] bang end {description} This will apply your style only to that particular description. font= ormalfontfseriescolor {blue}, So labels will be bold blue. My goal is to label each item as Case: 1, Case: 2, etc. A per- item change of colour is possible using the optional argument of item [. I know about {setlengthitemindent{25pt} item Text}, but this fail when the content of the item breaks into a new line:. 152 2. LaTeX has a limit of depth of lists to save counters. Feb 7, 2013 at 6:49. That is by adding usepackage {enumitem} and. Hope this is what you're looking for. I am not sure whether this is, what you want to achieve, but you can explicitly set the label of an item. However, note that this package does not work well with the beamer package which is used to make presentations in Latex. ], and using the same label as itemize - $ullet$ or extbullet. The egin {enumerate} [it i)] uses enumerate package syntax (apart from the 'wrong' it. produces lists whose entries have zero indentation. More text. enumitem | Indentation for whole Item in an enumerated List. enumitem | Indentation for whole Item in an enumerated List. The ultimate in compaction (of every sort) is offered by the savetrees package; compaction of lists is included. The idea for both is to use the font= key for enumitem. If to write something like. ewcommand {sortitem} [2] {expandafterdefcsname SortListItem#1endcsname {#2}stepcounter {SortListTotal}} The first argument of sortitem is the item's number; the second is the item text. How to adjust list spacing. but this simply generated a list with no numbering. Set the first-level bullet-point to -- only in one itemize environment: egin {itemize} enewcommandlabelitemi {--} item asdasd item dsfsdf end {itemize} Note that there's no reason that it would have to be two dashes instead of one; this would work equally well as item [-]. But I want it to be the full enumerate label. 1Naminglists Tousethereferenceschemesdefinedbyenumitem-zref,itisnecessarytogivelistsaname. egin {enumerate} [label*=arabic*. documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{itemize}. This tutorial discussed how to change the label of enumerate, or what are those options available for this in LaTeX using enumitem package. Use default overlays of lists locally (parameter [<+->]) I use enumitem for 1. documentclass {article} usepackage {enumitem} setlist [enumerate,1. This is what i got so far. The enumitem package has A LOT of functionality to customize your list environments, and the documentation is very good. can be. I agree that case of long lists general solution like enumitem are better. EDIT 2017-01-24: My original example used. The rest are those in standard LATEX. Enumitem. Here is an illustrating example: documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} usepackage{lipsum} egin{document} egin{itemize}[before=footnotesize, font=large] item lipsum[10]. I want to write a book of close to 300 mathematics exercises. leftmargin option. e. More text. Other description s will work with. sty の使い方 備忘録) §1 はじめに. 3. The enumitem package supersedes—it provides the same facilities in a well-structured way. If you need the enumerate package style, then use usepackage [shortlabels] {enumitem} however. These item. Hello, I am writing a CV in latex for my partner and when making a bulleted list it has what appears to be one and a half spacing between lines by default, but we want to have only single spacing between the bulleted items. 1 Answer. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. If you do this then you can change the labels in the enumerate in standard way provided by the enumitem package: egin{enumerateoptional}[label=alph*] item[Some first] item one item[Some second]. As a minimal working example, consider the following LaTeX code, saved in ~/Test. Just use the enumitem package as described in the answer this question is a duplicate of. is to be used, i. You can then use these to get a horizontal enumeration. The accepted answer is not up to date as mentioned in the comments. Could you please help me. I'm sure I've seen a nice way to interrupt and resume lists in this way (without explicitly setting some counter), but I can't reproduce it. nested enumerated lists numbered for mathematical proofs. The "section" parts I get, but I can't seem to get my numbering looking good using enumerate. documentclass [a4paper,10pt] {article} usepackage {enumitem} egin {document} Foobar egin {enumerate} [label= { (arabic*)}] item baz item [ efstepcounter {enumi} (* umbervalue {enumi. Load package enumitem and add to your preamble: setlist [enumerate] {itemsep=0pt} or even. 8 2019-02-04 - Fix - calc stopped working if loaded after. I am not totally sure, but I think,. One option is to manually make the text you want bold. A enumitem quick and dirty solution. If that works, you probably want to move the file to a. enumitem documentation. 9 2019-06-20 - \DrawEnumitemLabel rewritten 3. ). (For example, it’s a bit tricky to obtain enumerations with _bold_ letters: (a), (b) etc with the enumerate package – try it! With enumitem, it’s much easier. Using the enumitem package in combination with the beamer class is therefore not recommended. 2cm] {geometry} \usepackage {enumitem. My answer does not directly address your question (a resume-like feature) but I wanted to point out that you do not have to leave the question environment. The following version of the source, based upon the accepted answer at Reference name of description list item in LaTeX, cures all three defects — but at the cost of an awkward syntax within the item optional argument. diazdeus Posts: 32 Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:34 pm. This can be easily done with enumitem and the resume option. The enumerate Package wants you to put those brackets into a group. It’s way more flexible and (in some cases) easier to use. Maybe I've misunderstood what you want, but you just need to set your mycount counter to 1 in your preamble. 75cm away from the left margin. So far, everything works, but I realized, that a proper indentation of new list levels is missing. When using enumitem this needs special handling. With enumitem: documentclass[]{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate}[label=1. documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} egin{document} egin{enumerate} item First item. So in your particular case, you defined the list using: ewlist{issue}{enumerate}{2} This means that enumitem creates two counters: issuei and issueii. 5. Note: the later one changes the indent. The rest are those in standard LATEX. resume continues from the number it got to last time, but using the default formatting! The format is. So this will do the job:A code with enumitem: I define a steps environment: documentclass{article} usepackage{enumitem} ewlist{steps}{enumerate}{1} setlist[steps, 1]{label = Step arabic*:} egin{document} egin{steps} item first thing to do item Second thing to do item Third thing to do end{steps} end{document}. In order to remove the natural indent of itemize globally, you can use setlist command to set leftmargin for the itemize environment. I looked up this answer, and adapted it : egin {enumerate} [label=fseries Step arabic*:] item Elliptic Key Creation : item Exchange of Public Elliptic keys item MasterSecret. – TH. Your compilation problem is due to loading both enumerate and enumitem which conflict together. 2. For instance, to increase the indentation, load the package, and start enumerate with : egin{enumerate}[leftmargin=3cm]` Many options in the enumitem package and it can certainly fit your needs. The web portal has a search function, as well as categorised lists of packages, so you can see similar packages. \documentclass [a4paper,10pt] {article} \usepackage {enumitem} \begin {document} Foobar \begin {enumerate} [label= { (\arabic*)}] \item baz \item [\refstepcounter {enumi} (* umber\value {enumi. To make a really compact list, enumitem provides an option nosep which removes all spacing before and after the list as well as between the items. 9. If you have many lists like this you can define a new list environment: Aenumerate, after you've added this code to your preamble: usepackage {enumitem} ewlist {Aenumerate} {enumerate} {1} setlist [Aenumerate] {label=A.